You’ve Written Your Novel… Now What? Form

How to Create a What's Next Lead Generation Mindset | The Social Media  Butterfly

You’ve Writing Your Novel… What's Next?

An exclusive Bestseller Academy Coaching event

When you finish your novel what happens next? Get an agent? A publisher? Self-Publish? Build your brand? What other options are available to authors today? Join writer Mark Stay as he tells you everything you needed to know about publishers, agents, advances, royalties, self-publishing and more but were too afraid to ask! There will be a Q&A after the presentation with the Two Marks.

This is relevant even if you are starting your novel as Stephen Covey always said: "Begin with the end in mind."

The presentation will be approximately 45 minutes followed by a Q&A with the Two Marks.

Date: Monday, April 24, 2023
     Time: 8PM BST | 12PM PST | 3PM EST | 5AM AEST (Tues)              
This event will be happening on Zoom. You will receive access details in an email before the event.